
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ Unconditional Love

Her children arise up, and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praiseth her.

Proverbs 31:28

This verse reminds me of a mother’s unconditional love.   My daughter, daughter in law and niece all have young children, as well as many other moms of little ones in my circle of friends.  I witness firsthand each of these moms exhibiting unconditional love for their children every day.  I remember my own mother, always busy about the home, cooking, cleaning and doing laundry, but I also remember her spending much time in her Bible and in prayer.   

My family in the 1960's.  I'm the baby.
My father is with the Lord now, my sisters and I have long been gone from home, and my mother has grandchildren and great grandchildren.   She doesn’t need to spend her time cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry like she used to, but there are some things that do not change….she still spends much time reading her bible, and even more time in fervent prayer for her family.   My mother is a prayer warrior for her family, and for that I am grateful and arise up and call her blessed."

Proverbs 31:28 ~ Free Scripture Graphic
My husband was raised by his grandparents, and has so many fond memories of his grandmother, whose name was VIOLET.   He never remembers her raising her voice or becoming visibly upset, and compares her wisdom to Solomon, and her patience to Job.  She had a unique way of dealing with naughty behavior which proved to be effective time and time again. 

Free vintage postcard for you

 I’ll tell the story below, in my husband’s words:
My grandparents raised me and I thank God for their Godly training.  My grandmother was 4’ 10” as she proudly told anyone who cared to listen.  I remember a time when I was young, my grandmother had just finished papering the dining room, a springtime tradition at our house.  Assisted by my aunts, they had done an excellent job, everything matched up perfectly.  After admiring their handiwork, they temporarily stepped outside to admire the spring flowers that were beginning to appear.  Big mistake!!

Gram's flowers still bloom today

This left me and my cousin Russell in the house unattended.  I always liked to draw and thought myself pretty good, even at an early age.  There it was, fresh new light colored wallpaper crying out for a mural to enhance all who entered our home to see.  Meanwhile, Russell was not yet cultured enough to appreciate my artistic ability, so he simply played with his toys at the other end of the room.  All of a sudden, reality set in and I had a sinking feeling this mural might not have been such a good idea after all.  I heard the door open and voices….I had to think quickly.  

My grandmother came into the room, walked past me giving the mural a sidelong glance, never saying a word, nor did her expression betray any emotion.  I however, now knew what the expression sweating bullets really meant.  She went directly to her rocking chair by the window; she picked up her crocheting and began to work on a pillowcase edge.

After a few moments, she broke the silence by saying…. “That’s one of the nicest deer pictures I have ever seen, Russell must have drawn that beautiful deer.”   I was home free…all I had to do was keep my mouth shut.  She praised Russell’s artistic ability until my pride couldn’t take it anymore.  I blurted out….. RUSSELL COULD NEVER DRAW A DEER LIKE THAT, I DREW THE DEER.  Before the words were out of my mouth, I realized I had just volunteered a confession.  She had the truth without leaving her rocking chair and I knew I was in trouble.  

Does this look like the face of a  naughty boy?
This boy, my husband, grew up to be a pastor.
A man who loves the Lord with all his heart. 

In my husband’s case, his grandmother filled the role of his mother and she loved him unconditionally.  Mother’s seem to have a special ability to touch the heart of God with their prayers, and seem to possess the passion necessary for the fervent prayer spoken of in the Bible.  

 A mother’s devotion to her family is the kind of love that she would be willing to die for her children.   Even stronger than a mother’s love for her children is the love of God for you and me.  God gives an example of his love in comparison to a mother in Isaiah 66:12.  God tells us… one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you.  

My husband in turn had unconditional love for his grandmother Violet and cared for her until she went to be with her Heavenly Father.  He credits her to the man he is today, and understands the power of today’s verse, he rose up and called her blessed.   

free flowers for you

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  1. Thanks for sharing with us again this week at Word Art Wednesday. You are such a blessing to me, and to all of us at Word Art Wednesday. I am praying for you, my friend.
    Karen L

  2. Thanks for your post. The images are beautiful.

    Thanks for playing along with us at WAW.


  3. Love this week's post. Thank you for sharing these great stories & inspiration. Happy Mother's Day to you- the most wonderful, caring, loving mother I could ever ask for! I am truly blessed to be able to call you my Mom!

  4. I LOVE your post this week! Hearing the stories... SWEET! They make me think of a TV series I only recently found! Happy Mothers Day!!!!!!!!! :) Thank you for the Lovely images!!!!!! :)

  5. I really enjoyed the stories from your past and the pictures too! I was blessed with a wonderful mother as well. Many times I've based my own mothering decisions on what my mom did. So thankful to have had a wonderful heritage and a sweet mom that I still talk to nearly every day!

  6. PS THANK YOU for the beautiful freebies!

  7. Oh I love these stories of wonderful mothers and a grandmother who stepped into the role again. He certainly does look like an intelligent boy! Love the freckles and the grin. Grandmother certainly was smart!

  8. Hi Abby~

    This is one of the most beautiful posts I think I have read. It brought tears to my eyes, and then laughter to my lips. Your stories are just beautiful. And, I know the unconditional love that Mothers and Grandmother's can give. It is so amazing that the Lord loves us even more unconditionally--and so fully!

    Thank you so much for sharing this post! Please thank your husband for sharing also. Beautiful!

    He IS Able!
    Traci Starkweather

    You May Receive 1-5 Cards! Visit:

  9. I always enjoy reading here. Today I was especially moved. Praise the Lord.

  10. Thank you, sweet Abby, for the lovely post! Also for the beautiful images! It was wonderful to read your husband's story! lol It reminded me of one of my brothers! ;o)
    Have a beautiful weekend!...Nancy :o)

  11. What a lovely post! LOVED the story and the picture of you dear husband as a boy! I bet he was a handful--in the most delightful way ;0). Hope YOU have a most blessed and wonderful Mother's Day :-D

  12. Love your post, Abby. What a sweet blessing! Such an encouragement to persevere in the strength the Lord provides. . .and strive to be holy and obedient, just as Grandma Violet was through her gentle and godly ways. Thanks for your faithfulness! Hugs and blessings, Jan

  13. Abby...what a sweet, heart tugging story. And the images you posted are beautiful, as always. I'm always blessed when I visit. Thank you for sharing at WJIM.

  14. Abby I loved this story! Honestly it has been with me ever since you posted it. Over the past month I've had a lot of things going on and a couple of times lost my patience. This has been a little reminder to not sweat the small stuff. Thanks so much!


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