
Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Thoughts vs God's Thoughts

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 
neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
 Isaiah 55:8

You can probably think of a time that you had a certain dilemma all figured out, God just needed to come through on His end. Well, He had a surprise for you didn’t He?

He provided you with what you needed, but not in the way you expected it to happen. I think that’s His way of reminding us that He’s taking care of us.

Children believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt that their caregiver will protect them and take care of them. That’s what Jesus wants from us. Never a doubt that He will be that caregiver for us and meet our needs. TRUST Him with complete confidence that He will do what is best for your life, He’ll guide you. He tells us in Isaiah 55:8, His ways are not our ways. Why?

Because He’s all knowing.

He knows our future.

He sees the Master plan.

Who better to put our trust in, than someone who knows us better than we know ourselves?

Have a blessed day.

This post is linked to:  Pink Saturday


  1. It is a comfort to know that the Lord Jesus knows me so well. I always remember that to trust in Him it's not the same as to get what I want. Thanks so much for sharing Abby!

  2. Amen to that! I have found out over the years how wonderful it is to not have to worry because I'm not in charge--worrying only makes me stressed out and I am so thankful that when I am living right, there's no need to fear! :)

  3. Thank you so much for posting this's exactly what I needed to hear. I'm going through some very stressful circumstances and appreciate every reminder that it all is in His hands.

  4. Abby this is exactly what I needed to hear today as well. ::hugs::

  5. Thank you for sharing these most encouraging words :)

  6. Hello Abby, Thank you so much for posting your messages like this. They often come just as I need them and address what I need to hear. Thank you! Joyous Wishes, Linda

  7. So true! Thank you for sharing your heart, Abby.

  8. That's some of the best encouragement ever. It also reminds me of Luke 11:11. Hope that you had a wonderful Sunday.

  9. Thanks for the encouragement Abby!

  10. Thank you Abby - this adds to our Pastors sermon yesterday on not worrying :-)

  11. ah so very true Abby thanks so very much, Shaz.x

  12. LOVE this. Short, sweet, to the point, and exactly what I have been pondering as I consider some decisions I need to make! Thanks for the inspiration, Abby! :)

  13. Abby...thank you for the encouragement and reminder. I needed to hear this. And I'm glad you linked up this week at WJIM.

  14. Thanks...I needed to hear this today. Just resting in his parental protection is so important and yet so hard at times for a person who wants to fret about things. Gail (

  15. Thank you for this very inspiring post today. We all need a reminder once in awhile.


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