
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ Perseverance in Trials ~ Part 1

But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tried me,
I shall come out as gold.
Job 23:10

I’ve been thinking a lot lately of the many trials that so many people I know are facing.   It always seems to have the greatest detrimental effect when children are involved.  A little 5 year old boy in our community lost his hand in a freak accident and almost died.  Thankfully he is now recovering at a hospital.  Everyone feels vulnerable and sympathetic when tragedy like this happens.  It seems natural to say, why would a loving God allow something like this happen?  

Why does God allow trials to come into our life?  We’re told in Matthew 5:45
for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

We may never have the answer why, but what we do know he will never abandon us.   for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  Hebrews 13:5b

I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Hebrews 13:5b

And we also know from God’s word, that He will never give us more of a trial than we can bear.  No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.  1 Corinthians 10:13  

Remember the story of Job in the bible?  He experienced trials of a severity we can hardly comprehend, yet he stood firm in his faith and trusted in God even while those closest to him told him to curse God and die.  If you haven’t read the story, you’ll find it in the book of Job, and it will help you put your trials in perspective.

Job said about his trials: 

But he (God) knows the way that I take; when he (God) has tried me, I shall come out as gold. Job 23:10

God knows your trial, he knows all the details of it, and knows the course you must take to get through it. For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he ponders all his (mans) goings.  Proverbs 5:21

It’s important to remember that God allows certain trials but never causes them.  Trials are the consequence of living in a fallen world.  Thankfully, for those who put their trust in Him, this world is not our home, we are just passing through.  

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore most gladly I will rather boast of my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake.  For when I am weak, then I am strong.  2 Corinthians 12:9-10.

I am continuing this topic next week as there are more important things I want to share about the subject of trials.
   Thank you for stopping by today.  Drop me a comment and let me know what scripture you rely on through a trial, or perhaps you read one here today that you want to cling to.  I’d love to hear how God is speaking to you. 

Graphics in this post are free to you.  Sources are my own personal images,  and The Feathered Nest
This post is linked to: Word Art Wednesday,   Domestically Divine Tuesday, Whatever You Want Wednesday, Titus2uesdays, Think on These Things, Women in the Word Wednesdays, Hearts 4 Home ThursdayScripture Sunday, Proverbs 31 Thursdays, Monday Musings, Deep Roots at Home


  1. Abby I look forward each week to your devotions. You are so blessed to be able to share God and His word through this site and I am so glad that our God will never leave us or forsake us. Blessings dear sister.

  2. Abby, this is what my heart needed to hear this morning. Sometimes in all the pain I forget that God really is still here. Thank you for reminding me. Your site is a real blessing to me and I look forward to it every day.

  3. Thank you, Abby, for your lovely artwork and devotion. Thank you for blessing us at Word Art Wednesday this week. ;)

  4. Hello, Sweet Abby! I have not spent much time online these past months. But it is good to drop by and see your faithfulness blooming! Thank you for your witness!

  5. Abby -- I love the vintage images! One verse I'm clinging to is Isaiah 40:31: "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

  6. I meant to also thank you for linking up at WAW!

    - Paula from WAW DT

  7. Oh we know of this freak accident. John just told me a couple of days ago. I know that your community will rally around this little guy and his family.

    The scriptures you've shared are healing balm and a great comfort.

  8. Thank you Abby for the LOVELY images! :) There are SOOO MANY verses in the Bible that comfort me! But, the verses that comfort me the most are Isaiah 14:2d-5,7. I posted the verses on 3x5 cards all over the house. The Lord gave me this verse back in January of 2004. Several years before we REALLY went through a time of trial. This verse came back to me & I understood! Not to mention, I am REALLY UPLIFTED by Christian music & one song that blesses me is Twilla Paris' song, GOD IS IN CONTROL. You can hear her song here! WHAT A BLESSING!

  9. Abby - You are always such a blessing and encouragement to me through your words and your art. Thanks for sharing this with us at Word Art Wednesday!

    I've had unsaved people, and some new Christians ask me why God allows suffering. It is difficult to explain how we need to have great faith; just like He has great love and compassion. Some lessons are difficult, but we're always blessed when we trust Him fully.

    Thanks again for sharing,

  10. Beautiful devotion Abby. When going through trial, I think of Psalm 23: 1-3 when going through trials... the "still waters of God's Word" are especially inviting during such times.

    The Lord is my shepherd;
    I shall not want.
    He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
    He leads me beside the still waters.
    He restores my soul;
    He leads me in the paths of righteousness
    For His name’s sake.

  11. Hi, Abby! Thank you for your wonderful thoughts! I hope I'm not stealing your thunder, but I firmly believe that we have trials to bring us closer to Christ and our Father in Heaven. That is the reason for each trial we go through. And trials are things that we cannot control--I'm not talking about the sad consequence of poor choices. Those are things we bring upon ourselves. Thank you for reminding me of this--I needed it today! :) Hugs and blessings!!!

  12. Thank you Abby - life is pretty 'character building' for me at the moment and God is speaking to me through various means as I walk... including your devotionals.

  13. I am so glad God led me to your website today. Sickness is a trial that must be endured to the end and sometimes it just gets old. Thanks for the uplifting I needed today.

  14. Hello Abby,

    Your words, images and Scripture are so full of encouragement! I will never leave you nor forsake you... so powerful! Looking forward to your continuation of this topic!

    Thank you for linking to Think on These Things!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  15. thank you for sharing these verses and reminders. the images you use to illustrate your reflections are lovely. one of the verses that i clung to in my most challenging trial is from phil 4: have no anxiety about anything, but in everything with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God and the peace of Christ which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

  16. Abby, You have "stepped into" your gifting. This post was so,so sweet. Filled with the fragrance of the Lord. I lost my 1st. husband 32+ years ago. At that time, I had 5 children ages 10 thru 6 months of age. One morning several weeks after he went to be with our Father, the Lord "spoke" to me as I woke, Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,who have been called according to his purpose". Not that I fully understood that then and even now,but I have purposed in my heart to stand on His Word and believe it! That has kept then and continues through others I have gone through. God is so faithful to comfort us and love on us. He is a GOOD God! El Elyon, praise his name.

    Thanks agian dear sister for your faithfulness. B

  17. Inspired and Loving your Scripture Pictures!!! The illustrations help with remembering the verses..very cool!!!

  18. Thank you for sharing this! I cling to 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. When we realize who we are in light of Him, it's easy for me to see who is the one to lean on! The very truth that God doesn't cause these trial but allows them is so true. For the very fact that it is to bring us to Him and He's just waiting to fill our needs.

  19. Oh Abby you have such a gift with writing these devotions. You have surely touched my heart today as we have been facing some trials in my family. Thanks so much to sharing the Word and for linking up to Testimony Tuesdays.

  20. Abby...I love stopping by here. I am always encouraged. I love that you remind me that trials are a result of a fallen world. Thankfully, God is sovereign over those trials we must endure. Thank you for sharing this at WJIM sweet friend.

  21. Thank you for your devotions. This one is especially encouraging. I love Ps 46:1-2----God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble. I will not fear though the earth give way and the mountains are cast into the heart of the sea.

    During the hardest time of my life, this verse was a comfort. I wish the pain had not come, but I would not trade anything for the ways I know God better.

  22. This week @ Perfect Sentiment we are featuring our favorite scripture. Mine is Isaiah 40:31. I had to take chemo 11 mths in hospital Tues-Fri & this scripture gave me hope. I knew God was in control. He wants what is best for us. He loves us & takes care of us ALL the time. This verse gave me something to focus on. We can soar above any problem we have when we place our hope in God!

  23. I love this post. Such an encouragement...You truly have ministry here Abby.


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