
Friday, February 1, 2013

Pink Valentines & Facebook Covers Free for You

free valentine postcard

“I think of the love of God as a great river,
pouring through us even as the waters
pour through our ravine at floodtime.
Nothing can keep this love from pouring through us,
except of course our own blocking of the river."
~Amy Carmichael ~

free valentine postcard

I've been having fun making some facebook covers.  Click for the largest size, right click and save to your computer.  Ready to upload to your timeline.  I may offer some free blog headers in the near future.  Let me know if there is any interest in that. 

The original graphic of the roses below is
compliments of Dawn at The Feathered Nest

You can find me on Facebook here:  Little Birdie Blessings

Have a wonderful day my friends.  Remember to:  Count your Blessings.... Name them one by one....and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

 Linked to:  Pink Saturday


  1. I'm here this morning to say hello and to look for something to brighten my sidebar. (It seems a little cheerless.)

    All the graphics are lovely and I especially like the the rose header.

    What a difference another day makes, eh? I woke to the crunching of ice as folks made their way to work this morning. Hope that all is well in TH. We were blessed not to lose anything more than a few branches that needed culling anyway.

  2. You have started my day off beautifully, as always! Thank you so much! I am very excited about these lovely timeline headers. Thank you for being so generous! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Hi Abby, love your pinkness in today's gift! You have such a fine collection of vintage!!

  4. Love the Facebook covers, they are beautiful! Thank you!


  5. Thank you for the freebies. Hope you have a blessed day.

  6. HOW PRETTY ABBY!!!!!!! :) I don't do Facebook, BUT, could these "Face book covers" be used for other things???? I LOOOOOOOOVE the last one!!!!!! :) AND I WONDER if you could change your blog header without having to pay a fee...(You know since I'm not to smart on these things! ) :) WOULD LOVE them if I could do this! :)THANK YOU ABBY!!!!!!!!! :)(Counting my blessings today! ) :)

  7. Beautiful roses! Indeed the blessings of God are abundant when we stop to acknowledge them!

  8. Love these thanks you so much Abby. What a blessing you are.

  9. Oh, I do love the old fashioned. Thank you for sharing. And yes, I am counting my blessings and they are numerous indeed!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  10. Wonderful post and so beautiful. Hugs...Lu

  11. I like all the face book covers. Thanks for sharing. Glad I am here tonight. Have a wonderful weekend and I really enjoyed the visit.

  12. Thank you so much sweet Abby...the last one looks very familiar to me!! I'm going to snag it for my FB!!! Have a beautiful week sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn


Your comments are blessings to my day.