
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Vintage Valentine Freebies

I thought you might enjoy some more free vintage Valentine graphics with Valentine's Day fast approaching.  The poem sprinkled among the graphics is titled What Is Love? by Helen Steiner Rice.

What is love? No words can define it
It's something so great only God cold design it.
It grows through the years in sunshine and rain,
In gladness and sadness, in pleasure and pain.

It's ever enduring and patient and kind - -
It judges all things with the heart, not the mind.
And love can transform the most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace,

For love is unselfish, giving more than it takes,
And no matter what happens, love never forsakes.
It's faithful and trusting and always believing,

Guileless and honest and never deceiving.
Yes love is beyond what we can define,
For love is immortal, and God's gift is divine.

Have a wonderful day my friends.  I hope you have enjoyed the poem and the graphics.  I have a giveaway going on until February 11th.  If you haven't entered yet, you can click **here** for more information. 

If you missed my last post of Valentine freebies, including free Facebook covers you can click **here**.   One of my readers asked if Facebook covers could be used for something else.  If you have another use for them, by all means, feel free to use them. 


  1. Hi Abby,

    Thank you for the pretty graphics, they are quite charming. But most of all, thank you for the poem. I wasn't going to come on the computer right now, but decided to take a moment and I am so thankful I did! The poem was just what I needed right now :)

    Have a blessed day!


  2. Lovely post. Thanks so much for sharing the sweet graphics and the beautiful poem.

  3. Helen Steiner one has ever come along to take her place in poetry of a Christian flavor, which is too bad. Somewhere in this house, I have a book of her poems. I don't know where you find all your pretty graphics, but they are always delightful!

  4. THANK YOU ABBY!!!!!!!! The images & poem are LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  5. So sweet! Thank you again for sharing!

  6. Thank you Abby for the wonderful thoughts! I love how you blend poetry and beautiful vintage! Have a beautiful day!

  7. Abby, thank you for sharing that beautiful poem and your sweet graphics.

  8. "Love is unselfish." It is hard sometimes to give up MY wants,needs or wishes. Jesus, as always, is the greatest example. Oh, to be like Jesus!

  9. Thank you once again for sharing lovely graphics and spiritual inspiration. Hugs! Sü


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