
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gratitude Beyond Circumstances

Perhaps this day will offer you
a bouquet of beauteous bounty.
Perhaps this day will cause you grief or worry.
Your hands may be empty or full.
Your heart may be singing or low.
Still, perhaps, if willing, you cast your eyes on Him
who provides and guides,
you'll discover in secret heart chambers -
gratitude beyond your circumstances.

~ Donna Munro ~
Donna is a friend of mine who is a gifted writer. Writing is just one of her many gifts. She understands about gratitude beyond circumstances and writes from her heart. She gave me permission to use these lovely words with all of you.

Fanny Crosby, blind hymn-writer had gratitude beyond her circumstances.   Born in 1820, she was blinded as a baby.  Her mother and grandmother read the Bible to her and she committed large passages to memory.  She went on to write over 9,000 hymns, many which we still use today.  If Fanny had turned bitter about her blindness, millions of people would most likely have missed the blessing of her writings.  Fanny had gratitude beyond her circumstances and said this about her blindness:

Oh, what a happy child I am, 
Although I cannot see! 
I am resolved that in this world 
Contented I will be!
How many blessings I enjoy 
That other people don't!
To weep or sigh because I'm blind,
I cannot and I won't.

~ Fanny Crosby ~ 

I have heard countless stories recently about people who have gratitude beyond their circumstances. The one that stands out the most is a young mother from my home state of Maine.  Her daughter Addilyn is three years old, has never spoken a word and suffers from a rare neurological disease. They were recently told "Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best".

Addilyn's mother has a facebook page to raise awareness of this disease.  Every day she posts to the 100,000+ followers, of their gratitude beyond circumstances.  It amazes me the strength she has and what an encouragement she is to so many people.  You can find Addilyn's Journey of Hope here:

She recently wrote this:

I can't express the joy, love or gratitude I have in my heart writing this post. I honestly didn't expect her to come this far, but all the while I had faith and hope that she somehow would. I'm so proud of her. I'm grateful for the example, the shining light, that she continues to be, brightly for myself and many others.

I'm so thankful for your prayers. I'm so grateful for the Lord's tender mercies. I know He hears and answers our prayers. I feel so humbled and blessed to have had not only another day but another blessed weekend with Addilyn.  

We will remain with HOPE for a cure, PRAYER for a miracle and THANKFUL for this moment! 

Linda, who blogs at Grandmalay's Daydreams has gratitude beyond her circumstances as you'll see from any of her posts as she battles breast cancer, chemotherapy and all the challenges it brings.

These are just a few examples of those living with gratitude beyond their circumstances.  I'm sure you know many people who are, perhaps you are yourself.  I'll close with these words from Max Lucado:

Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff. To reflect on your blessings is to rehearse God’s accomplishments. To rehearse God’s accomplishments is to discover his heart. To discover his heart is to discover not just good gifts but the Good Giver. Gratitude always leaves us looking at God and away from dread. It does to anxiety what the morning sun does to valley mist. It burns it up.

For those celebrating Thanksgiving this week, I pray you have a blessed holiday.


  1. Wonderful post, Abby. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. May your day be filled with love, warmth, and thanksgiving!!

  2. I so love your graphics...which are a joy. Thanks so much, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  3. Your words today, have touched me. It is so easy to fall into feeling sorry for oneself. I am encouraged to look for the blessings God sends my way and be grateful for them. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Abby!

  4. It's always a blessing to read your posts, Abby. Your friend's writing is beautiful and this entire post is inspiring. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. Wonderful inspiration from this post and your beautiful blog! Thanksgiving blessings to you!

  6. You always point to a loving God, Abby. I will check to see if I can get through to the FB page. Your friend Donna is a gifted writer. p

  7. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom here Abby - we do not celebrate Thanksgiving, but it is good to always have a grateful heart.

  8. A wonderful post as always Abby, I may not comment much but always read my email.. and share these often on on Facebook group called Christian Cardmakers. Thank you for being a blessing in the midst of your busy life, Shaz in Oz.x

  9. Such an inspiring post and much to ponder on,Abby.
    Donna is a beautiful writer, with words that touch the heart.
    Blessings to you, Debbie

  10. What a blessed post! Oh, my heart is filling with gratitude as I read this post dear Abby. Great to catch up with your lovely posts once again! Happy Thanks Giving to you dear friend.

  11. Oh my friend, what a beautiful and inspiring post! I am left speechless {in a good way} at your words written here. . .thank you.

    May you and your loved ones have a precious and most blessed Thanksgiving. Love to you!

  12. Your writing is a gift to us.

  13. Hello Abby, I thank you for this wonderful word! We must respond with gratitude even during those life lessons that seem unbearable. I think where the statement of unless a kernel falls to the ground. We will all see the other side of all this sorrow in Heaven.
    Blessings to you, dear friend!


Your comments are blessings to my day.