
Monday, November 17, 2014

Thankful for the Small Things

I asked for bread and got a stone;
I used the stone to grind the grain
That made the flour to form the bread
That I could not obtain.

Instead of asking Him to give
The things for which we pray,
All that we need to ask from God
Is this: show us the way.
~ James A. Bowman ~

This dear graphic is compliments of Dawn at The Feathered Nest.  I think this is one of my all time favorite graphics and it fits perfectly with this poem.   Here are a few Thanksgiving vintage images for you.  

Have a blessed day my friends.


  1. Beautiful thoughts and post as always. The little boy is peeking as little boys do. :) Thank you.

  2. That corn is so looks as if it wrapped with a ribbon instead of a husk. Must go find the boy and girl praying at Dawn's. Yes, we always get the answer to our prayers, but not always as we expected.

  3. Inspiring thoughts and post -- thanks for the reminder today!

  4. Thank you for your gift. It is greatly appreciated.

  5. that is a great graphic to go with that sentiment and all so true!

  6. Delightful words and graphics, dear Abby :)

    May you have a beautiful Thanksgiving holiday! Love to you!

  7. Dear Abby, Thank you so much for these lovely pictures. I hope you are well and have a delightful Thanksgiving feast planned!
    Blessings, Roxy

  8. Love the pictures as well as the words... Thank you .. Your posts are always so encouraging... Blessings, Christine

  9. Hi, Little Birdie Blessings! I just had to stop over for a quick visit and as always am very encouraged...I usually read several posts (2-4) at once :) Are you staying warm and in the Word? Sending hugs and also sending up prayers for you for grace, joy, and peace. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. That picture with the little boy is soooo cute...he has his eye on the prize!!
    I found your link today...I fell in love with the birdies and had to check it out!
    I have enjoyed reading backward for several minutes!
    This Connecticut girl wound up in Texas as a music minister...funny the turns our life paths take....
    What denomination is your church? We are Evangelical and Reformed ...the German equivalent of the original Congregational church.
    Happy Thanksgiving, and blessings to you,


Your comments are blessings to my day.