
Friday, January 2, 2015

A New Year with a Faithful God

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

I think these two verses from Lamentations are in my top ten favorite passages from the Bible.  It's not a coincidence that I paired them up with a beautiful coffee cup.  That's one of they ways my morning starts, with a cup of coffee - a brand new day - with God's promise He will help me through this day.

Let's face it, there are very few of us who can actually say, life is easy.  In fact, life for most of us is downright hard.  Join me in 2015 as I strive to:

take each day as it comes
seek God for help through each particular day
pray more
complain less
read at least a chapter/day in my Bible
appreciate the small things
look for God in nature
spend more time with family
be physically active
be more respectful of my husband

This past year has brought tears of joy and tears of sadness.  We rejoiced at the birth of 2 new grandbabies born in 2014, and were saddened to lose my husband's sister very suddenly in December from a brain aneurysm.

We don't know what each day will bring, but we can be assured of who holds our day. . . a loving God who promises He will never fail us.

Many things about tomorrow. 
I don't seem to understand. 
But I know who holds tomorrow. 
And I know who holds my hand.
Ira Stanphill, 1989


  1. Amen!
    I have copied your list and I will try to do it with you. Will it be alright if I copy this and put it on my blog with a link to your site?

  2. Thank you so very much for sharing your time & wisdom with us. I love your posts. This is something I want to follow you on, too.


  3. Beautiful and encouraging words. I love those verses, too. And coffee :) His mercies will carry us through, day by day. Happy New Year!

  4. Have lost a few comments here...not you...this iPad. I was saying that I like your list and am praying for your sister-in-law's family. I'll quit there before I lose the third.

  5. Good Morning! Very sweet and wise words to live by! You are so right everyday and every year is a gift and we must use it wisely!
    May you have a restful weekend dear Abby!
    Happy New Year
    Love, Roxy

  6. This is BEAUTIFUL ABBY! I remember singing this hymn with my mother & siblings as we were growing up! :)

  7. I love the verse from Lamentations (plus the coffee renewal :) as well as your list! Thank you for the encouragement in the New Year.

    Blessings to Your and Yours in 2015!

  8. I love that scripture as well. So comforting! I pray you have a blessed year. I have a lot of those things on my list as well. I appreciate your generosity in sharing your cards and scriptures! All the best in 2015! Blessings, Diane

  9. Yea, Abby! Good advice and I love the coffee mug!! Hugs my Friend. Sheila Thomas Hill from Spruce Head.

  10. Thank you Abby for your wonderful, inspiring words. I am so sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family.

  11. What a blessing to read your post this morning. I have been ill and the doctors still do not know what is wrong, but what they have suspected so far is very serious. Even as a Christian I still suffer anxiety (in addition to the pain), but I am trusting my loving, faithful God to carry me through. Thanks for the reminder. GOD bless :)

  12. I love the beautiful coffee mug, the Lamentations verse, and the hymn. Bless you for combining these elements into encouragement for our hearts. I am grateful for the unique way the Lord's light shines through you!

  13. ah Abby, a great post and so true!!!

    ... with our LORD as our Guide it will be a smoother clearer way ahead. every blessing for 2015.

    Just put this on my FB page :D
    Shaz in oz.x

  14. Thank you fro sharing these beautiful graphics, as well as your list of goals.
    Bless you Abby as you continue to be faithful to God.

  15. This was just beautiful, Abby.
    I too love those verses and your coffee cup is a great reminder in starting out the day along with the Word of God.

    You shared a great list with many items we all can relate too.

    How thankful I am that God's mercies ARE new every day.

    Have a blessed New Year.

  16. Ah, dear Abby, you have known grief this year, too. “The Lord bless you and keep you;the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."

  17. What a lovely post.
    Happy New Year!

  18. Dearest Abby, those two verses in Lamentations are two of my favorites. I am so grateful for the promise that "through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed." What a God we serve!

    Thank you for this precious post and thank you, my friend, for sharing at Roses of Inspiration. May you have a lovely week! Hugs to you!

  19. Hi Abby.

    I just found your blog on "The Enchanting Rose". You have such a lovely site! I love old hymns and look forward to your posts about them.

    God bless!
    Judy Goddard

  20. I hadn't checked your blog for a while, but I love all your posts. This one has to be one of my favorites - verse and song. The verse (and another song - Great is Thy Faithfulness) are in my memory bank, and this song is one I sing in my head all the time. Thanks for all your encouraging posts and artwork. You are a blessing!!!


Your comments are blessings to my day.