
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Beyond Common Hope

HOPE ~ To look forward to with confidence or expectation, according to the dictionary. It’s also one of the most common inspirational words we see.

It’s lettered on rocks, featured in wall art, and I've even seen a face cream that is called Hope. Beyond the commonness, it’s a word people cling to that are in chronic pain, that have cancer, that are in desperate financial circumstances, and the countless other tragedies that come into our lives. I heard in the news, a victimized woman held captive said – “I never let hope disappear”. 

As Christians, our ultimate hope is not in this present life, but in the world unseen, our final destination of Heaven. If we choose to “hope in the Lord” as this scripture says, He will give us the strength to get through it, no matter our situation.

Be of good courage,
and he shall strengthen your heart,
all ye that hope in the Lord.

Psalm 31:24

Have a blessed day friends, and never give up hope.


  1. Hopes and prayers that you have a happy year ahead!

  2. I am smiling to myself right now because in the last hour I have read several articles on "Hope" and to top it off I get to finish with these beautiful and precious words from you, dear friend :)

    Thank you for this post - what a joy and blessing! Oh, how I praise Jesus Christ for the hope that is found only in Him!

    Love and hugs to you!

  3. Thanks forr this post.
    I needed it.
    Blessing and Happy New Year.
    Gr Elly

  4. Dear Abby -

    Thank you once again for the words of faith & wisdom. I have needed to hold onto hope for a couple of months now, regarding my dialysis. I am doing well & am now on the cycler machine at night. I have much hope that I will be getting on the transplant list by May.

    once again, a well needed post.

    D : )

  5. Hope is a good word. Sometimes, I have thought it a wishy-washy word, though I am liking it a lot lately. Mostly, I am counting on the One Who can not fail.

  6. It is so true that we find the word "hope" just about every where.
    Praise the Lord, that we have our hope in Him, and Him alone.

    Blessings to you, Debbie

  7. Thank you Abby - truly our only true hope is in Jesus - all other things are shifting sands. Thank you for this.

  8. Our only hope is in Jesus. I love that we know with confidence that He alone is our hope.

  9. Hello Abby, I have had two dear friends that have just lost their Mothers to their final rewards awaiting them! But it is still so hard to see their sadness and grief! But it is the very word of HOPE that allows us to hold on a wait for what comes through the sorrows and struggles! I feel a bit of the after Holidays blues... But I choose to sing praises to His HOLY name!
    yours, Roxy

  10. This is what keeps me going on a daily basis... thank you for sharing Abby and it is so good to meet you. I'm visiting through Stephanie's link up party :) mari

  11. Hi Abby,
    Such an encouraging word of encouragement and hope - the Lord surely will see us through, He has promised to be with us, and His timing is always perfect.
    It was wonderful to hear that you have had Simplify the last two years ... I'm following your footsteps with confidence and open heart,
    Blessings to you & yours,


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