Showing posts with label papercrafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label papercrafts. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Scripture Thursday ~ Be Still

Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10a

I live in a beautiful coastal area of Maine, which provides me many opportunities to walk along the ocean, or in the woods and see the beautiful things God has provided for us.  I'm often reminded of Psalm 46:10 when I look around, breathe in fresh air, and hear nothing but the sounds of nature, the waves, trees rustling, or birds singing.

The images above are some scenes I've photographed over time, as I was still, and absorbed my beautiful and peaceful surroundings. 

We live in a fast paced, electronic society today with computers and Emails, cell phones and texting, social media, projects, deadlines, commitments, stress!!!    Responses are expected to be instant. 

When we spend time with the Lord, away from the busyness of life, we need to tune out or turn off these electronic distractions.  Some of us have more options for quiet time than others.

Regardless of our circumstances, God tells us in this scripture to:




Take a moment of quietness to:
reflect on Him;

to spend time with Him;
to hear His voice.

Even Jesus’ ministry here on earth, flowed out of quiet time with his Father. 
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight,
He went out and departed to a solitary place;
and there He prayed

Mark 1:35 (NKJV)

What defines being still?
Free from distractions
Free from a cluttered mind
Reading your Bible
Spending time in Prayer
Breathing in God’s Creation
Listening to calming worship music

Why should we be still?
We de-stress
We clear our mind of distractions
We draw peace and wisdom from God’s word
God desires us to spend time with Him
We get to know Him better
Our lives are fuller because of Him

This is a scrapbook page I made some time ago, which reflects this scripture to me.  The soft colors, the woman picking flowers in her garden, and all the little touches make me happy and content when I look at it. 

My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.

Psalm 62:5

Still with Thee, O my God,
I would desire to be;
By day, by night, at home, abroad,
I would be still with Thee.
With Thee when dawn comes in
And calls me back to care,
Each day returning to begin
With Thee, my God, in prayer.

With Thee when darkness brings
The signal of repose,
Calm in the shadow of Thy wings,
Mine eyelids I would close.

With Thee, in Thee, by faith
Abiding, I would be;
By day, by night, in life, in death,
I would be still with Thee.

James D. Burns, 1857

Blessings to you dear ones as you carry on through your week.

This post is linked to:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Scripture Thursday ~ A Handmade Christmas

 Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with your might.
Ecclesiastes 9:10a

free for personal use or sharing

A team of women from our church, myself included, just held our 3rd annual Ladies Christmas Paper-craft Day.  We had a wonderful time helping women to kick start the Christmas season by using their hands to make handmade cards, tags, and ornaments.  Here's a sample of what some of these crafty ladies made. 

Lisa does a great job teaching at the beginner table 
Once the ladies got going, there was no stopping them

It was a day to come together and inspire one another with ideas.  We also had good food for nourishment to keep persevering.  A beginners table for those new to the craft, and oodles of supplies to design to their heart's content. 

We were blessed to have missionary
Beth R. and her mom join us for the day.


Dolly decides to observe Jennie for a bit

My daughter Bethany at the stamping center

loads of supplies were available

good food and drinks to stay nourished & hydrated

 It was a wonderful day and those who attended left with a blessing and a stack of handmade goodies to give to friends and loved ones.  Think handmade this Christmas season.  A gift doesn't have to cost a lot to have value.  In fact, the most precious gifts I've received have been handmade.  My sisters are busy at their sewing machines - one making quilts, the other making stuffed dogs for her grandchildren. 

My husband remembers his grandmother crocheting all year long the edgings for pillowcases.  She would hand sew them on to crisp white pillowcases and present family and friends with a fresh new set each Christmas.  She also hand sewed aprons for the ladies.  He looked forward to her homemade corn balls, which I have not been able to duplicate. 

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver. 
2 Corinthians 9:7

What types of things are you making this Christmas season to give as gifts.  What skills do you have? 
What resources do you already have that you could use without buying more?

Think outside the box - I'm sure you have something you're good at. 
Perhaps offer a gift certificate for your services. 

Some Ideas
computer services
yard work
a cooked meal


If you have other ideas for the readers here, please share them in the comment section.  Thanks so much for stopping by.  Have a blessed week.

This post is linked to: Fellowship Fridays

What Joy is Mine, Hearts for Home Thursday, Encourage One Another,
Word Art Wednesday
, Clever Chicks Blog Hop,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Scripture Thursday Linky Party #10

Because you are my help,
   I sing in the shadow of your wings.

My soul clings to you;
   your right hand upholds me.
Psalm 63:7-8

Courtesy of The Graphics Fairy
Welcome to our 10th Scripture Thursday here at Little Birdie Blessings.  This is a linky party where you may link up projects that have scripture from the Bible.    

My friend Loretta doesn’t have a blog, but likes to participate.  When she emailed me earlier in the week with her latest scripture project, I knew I'd found this week’s verse.  I think her card is stunning and wanted to feature it today.  Thank you Loretta for making this week's project.  

Scripture Card by Loretta
This verse from Psalm really spoke to me as I have had numerous people in my circle of friends that are really struggling with some serious issues, either themselves or through their loved ones.  

I myself had a serious health scare this week and took an unexpected trip to the hospital in the ambulance.  I am okay, but there were certainly a few tense hours praying, waiting and wondering.  I know that nothing happens to me that isn’t in God’s control, and I know he will use this incident for good.  

Psalm 63 was written by David when he was in the wilderness running from Absalom who was trying to kill him.   Preacher Charles Spurgeon (1892) called Psalm 63, a Wilderness Hymn.  He describes the first 8 verses as David's   longing after God and his confidence in Him.  

David was praising the Lord despite his circumstances, he didn’t wait to praise until he got out of the “wilderness”, he praised in the midst of it. 
  • I see my friends singing in the shadow of God’s wings despite their fears

  • I see them clinging to Him through prayer because they know He is the only way they can get through it

  • I see them depending more on God and less on self or the world.
Are you in a “wilderness” in the middle of a calamity?  Seek God’s help to deliver you, sing praises to Him now, your soul will be soothed.  

Here are some verses from a hymn written in 1698 by Nahum Tate.  It’s interesting to me that the words to this hymn and so many others, are timeless.

Through all the changing scenes of life,
In trouble and in joy,
The praises of my God shall still
My heart and tongue employ.

Of His deliverance I will boast,
Till all that are distressed
From my example courage take
And soothe their griefs to rest.

O magnify the Lord with me,
With me exalt His Name;
When in distress to Him I called,
He to my rescue came.

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  Your turn to link a scripture project you’ve been working on.  Please be sure the image you link has scripture from the Bible on it. 

The format may be in any form; digital, altered art, paper crafts, etc.  I reserve the right to remove any link I feel is inappropriate for this blog.  Thanks for participating.  I can't wait to see what you have to share.   ~ ABBY

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Dwelling Place ~ Bible Verse Thursday

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!
Even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may have her young, a place near your altar,
Lord Almighty, my King and my God.
Psalm 84:1,3

Our dwelling place, our home! A place where we feel safe, secure, sheltered. My daughter, son-in-law and their two little boys moved into a brand new home this month. A very exciting time for them and for those of us that love them. My husband and I had an opportunity two years ago to move into the church parsonage. A home where I feel very content.

This scripture refers to the sparrows and swallows nesting near God’s altar. A place where they could find refuge and peace. What better place could there be for them?

If you’re trusting in Jesus as your Savior, He will dwell in your heart. No matter where you make your earthly home, He is with you. As I wait for God to finish his plan for me on this earth, I also have the assurance that He has a heavenly home waiting for me, where I will dwell with Him forever. Here's the chorus of a song that says it well.

I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop
In that bright land where, we’ll never grow old
And some day yonder, we will never more wander,
But walk the streets that are purest gold

Your challenge this week is to make a project using Psalm 84:3 or another scripture following the theme of our dwelling place. My project is a housewarming card for my daughter and son-in-law. 
Ways to participate:
  • When uploading to other online galleries, please use the keyword CPC-BVT121.  

I am linking this to the Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge.  Their challenge was to make a card using a new technique.  I actually have never used glitter before and tried it on this card.  SU Dazzling Diamonds is on the birds nest, and I used SU Crystal Effects on the house. 

Thanks for stopping by my friends.  Have a wonderful day and I pray you are okay after the effects of the earthquake, and will be safe from the pending hurricane. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, 
plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

A friend recently brought to my attention a song titled Trust His Heart. Two sections of the lyrics stood out to me:

He sees the master plan; He holds the future in His hands.
We see the present clearly; He sees the first and the last.

Be assured that God is ALL knowing. He not only knows our future, He sees the BIG picture, the master plan. His ways are not our ways and circumstances will happen that we can’t understand. But HE understands, and that’s all we need. Our God, who spoke the universe into existence, cares about YOU. He knows the number of hairs on your head.

My friend’s 30-year-old son was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. As she has cared for him through surgery, and now chemotherapy and radiation, I see her faith in God unwavering and still growing stronger. She says: I don't know what is in our future but I do know that God does.

A favorite hymn of both my husband and myself is I Know Who Holds Tomorrow. Here’s the first verse and chorus of that hymn. If you’re not familiar with it, you’ll see why it’s a favorite.

I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from it's sunshine, for it's skies may turn to gray. I don't worry o'er the future, for I know what Jesus said, And today I'll walk beside Him, for He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand.

scrapbook page I made using this verse

I hope you have a blessed day my friends.  Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pleasant Words are Sweet to the Soul

Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
   sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. 
Proverbs 16:24

Happy Tuesday to you my friends.  I just love that scripture.  Who doesn't enjoy a pleasant word?  My favorite part is sweet to the soul.  My grandson was here yesterday; he's a happy little toddler, but quite tender hearted.  When he had to be scolded for something, it was more than his little heart could take and he puckered up and the alligator tears rolled down his face.  We probably have all felt like that at one time or another but held them back when an unpleasant word was spoken to us.  

Free Vintage Postcard Image for you
We can choose to let our words build others up, or tear them down.  Children are especially vulnerable to our words.  I decorated a small box with a silver theme and have it on my bureau.  It reminds me that my words to others should be like a gift.  You may have seen it in a previous post here - A Word Fitly Spoken.

Set a guard over my mouth, 
O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. 
Psalm 141:3

I have a background for you today and have made it sepia and black/white as well.   These are free for you to use. 

I hope you have a wonderful day.  Thank you for stopping by and visiting.  

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sweet Peas and Friends

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
   let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
   that those who love your name may rejoice in you. 
Psalm 5:11

Happy Monday to you my friends.  I hope you've had a wonderful weekend and are beating the heat where you live.  Becky from Camellia Cottage Designs recently showed me a card she had made with one of my free images.  It turns out to be one of my most favorite graphics.  Take a look at THE most beautiful card she made. 

by Becky ~ Camellia Cottage Designs Blog
Isn't it gorgeous?  You should check out her blog when you have a moment.  She make the most beautiful projects, has lots of tutorials, sketches, and tons of inspiration.  For details on how she made this card, you can check out her post here:  Camellia Cottage Designs.
Thanks Becky for bringing this beautiful card to my attention so I could share with my readers.

My friend Jan aka Janaria has made a some things with my images.  I just love her vintage style.  Her work is always an inspiration to me, as is her strong Christian faith.   Take a look at a card she made using one of the cards she won here on my blog.

Card made by Jan ~ Re-Creations Blog
Here is a silver box Jan made using a free graphic from my blog.  

Silver Box made by Jan ~ Re-Creations Blog
Close-up of Jan's Silver Box
You can find out a little more about why Jan made a silver box in this Bible Verse Thursday post.   Please visit her new blog Re-Creations when you have a moment, you'll be delighted and inspired.  Thank you Jan for using some of my images in your beautiful work.  

I stumbled on this beautiful sweet pea postcard by Catherine Klein.  Today seems like a good time to share it with you.  Don't forget to click for a larger size.

Free Vintage Postcard ~ Click for Larger Size
I think she's captured the sweet peas beautifully in her artwork, as she did with most anything she painted.  You can read a little more about C. Klein in an earlier post I had on this blog - She was Known for her Flowers.

I found a tutorial at Brown Paper Packages for making paper sweet peas using a butterfly punch.  I haven't tried it yet, but she makes it look quite easy.  

I hope you've enjoyed today's post.  Have a blessed day my friends.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bible Verse Thursday ~ Light for our Path

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. 
Psalm 119:105
My Project Sample for Bible Verse Thursday
Living on the coast of Maine, I’m surrounded by lighthouses. They draw a lot of tourists to the state and are a popular subject for photographers. The lighthouse has a significant purpose, which is to steer mariners in the thick fog or darkness of night, away from cliffs, reefs, shorelines and other dangerous areas. The lighthouse will sound a signal and shine a beacon of light on and off to lead ships to safety.

God’s word the Bible is our lighthouse – a lamp for our feet….a light for our path, a beacon of light to help us find our way. We just need to look to it to be shown the right way. There’s a song that says it well, titled The Lighthouse.

There's a Lighthouse on the hillside,
That over looks life's sea
When I'm tossed it sends out a light
That I might see
And the light that shines in darkness now
Will safely lead us o'er
If it wasn't for the Lighthouse
My ship would be no more.

And I thank God for the Lighthouse
I owe my life to Him
For Jesus is the Lighthouse
And from the rocks of sin
He has shown a light around me
That I could clearly see
If it wasn’t for the Lighthouse
Where would this ship be?
As the challenge hostess for Bible Verse Thursday at Christian Paper Crafts, I bring you another challenge this week.  To memorize this scripture from Psalm 119:105.  An easy one to commit to memory, and... to make a project  following the theme of this scripture. You can use this scripture on it, or another scripture of your choice.  You can link your project up here:  Bible Verse Thursday.

My project was made using stamps from Our Daily Bread Designs which offers the most wonderful assortment of scripture stamps and accessories. 

The lighthouse below is practically a hop, skip and a jump from my home.  I've photographed it many times, but this one is my favorite.  Notice the boat passing by.  This popular location was used to film a scene from the Forrest Gump movie.  More importantly it serves it's purpose well, still lighting the way for many.

I am linking my project in this post to an Our Daily Bread Design blog challenge - Anything Goes.  Have a blessed day my friends.  Thanks for stopping by.  

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Little of This and a Little of That

With the 4th of July fast approaching, I wanted to share one of my most prized postcards.  Not a common card by any means and signed by artist Ellen Clapsaddle (1865-1934).  She was known as the most prolific souvenir postcard/greeting card artist of her time.  Many of her vintage postcards are unsigned, but her style is usually recognizable to those who collect her work.  You can read more about her by clicking on her name above.  Notice the details in the shadowing which make it look as if the flag is blowing in the wind.

Free Vintage Postcard ~ American Flag ~ Ellen Clapsaddle
I bought a sketchbook and covered it for a birthday gift for a young teenage friend.  This gal loves to sketch and amazes me as she sits there with a blank page, writing instrument in hand and designs clothing on models.  She also sews (no patterns) and makes doll clothes for her little sister to play with, purses, whatever takes her fancy.  She's a delight to me.  The scripture word art came from Dee's Bugaboo Boutique

These next images are photographs I took of flowers in the gardens of friends.  I like to play with macro photography, and am pleased with how some of these came out, however I'm still a work in progress.  Each flower unique, just the way God created them.  Even a plain old fern has beauty if you look closely at it. 

You may use the photography in this post for personal use only please.  If you use it on your blog, please have a link back to me, thanks so much.  I hope to add some more patriotic vintage images for you this week, so you may want to check back.

My friend Darlene has asked that I post here asking prayer for her son Luke.  I have mentioned him before.  He underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor and the doctor's were unsuccessful in getting all of it.  They will learn more this week as to the next steps in his treatment.  Luke is 30 years old.  They could use your prayers.  Thank you!  

Life is so fragile and can be gone in an instant.  A 17 year old girl in our community died this past week in an auto accident.  So tragic for her friends and family. 

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.  Ephesians 4:32

Have a blessed day dear ones.  The sun is shining and I hear the birds singing as I wrap up this post today.  I love to hear from you, so feel free to leave me a comment. If you are "anonymous" as you don't have a Google name, just leave your first name so I know who you are.  Thanks!!