Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Peaceful gentle snow started coming down yesterday like a soft blanket covering the ground.  Just what I needed to get the Christmas spirit in full swing.  What are things like at your house?  

If you were to stop by right now..........

you'd see:
bowls of homemade chex mix in process, decorations galore, stacks of Christmas cards almost ready to mail, packages to wrap, handmade ornaments in process. 

you'd smell:
cinnamon and cloves simmering on the stove, the fresh smell of Maine Fir coming from our wreaths and Christmas tree.  

you'd hear:
Christmas carols playing and the sound of chatty toddlers depending on the time of day. 

what I'm not telling you....
Okay okay, it sounds really good doesn't it.  Actually all that I said above is true.  Here's the rest of the story that I didn't mention..............

Lots of laundry
floors that need to be vaccumed
a tree that needs to be decorated
a house that needs to be cleaned
decorations still to be put out

I'm sharing this in case there's anyone out there like me who strives to have it together, but never seems to achieve that goal.  

Thankfully I have a husband who helps whenever I need him to.  He's good to me, will vacuum, do dishes and even wrap presents.  He's a keeper! 

The images included in this post are free as usual.  Please no selling of the actual images or including them in digital collage sheets for sale.  Enjoy this week, remember perfection is not possible.  Know when to slow down and smell the fir trees.  

Hugs to all my friends out there.  


  1. You sound like you will be ready for Christmas. Like you I find I still have things I want to do before the big day.

  2. You are such a sweet blessing. . love your post and your gentle, encouragement to keep our eyes and hearts fixed on Jesus and the precious gifts He gives!! Hugs, dear Abby! Blessings this Christmas!!

  3. Lucky you...I'd like my husband to be so helpful!!!
    I like your blog very much and I became your follower...would you like to visit mine and become my folower?


  4. Oh Abby, I'm so jealous of your snow! That would be the "icing on the cake" if we were to get some for Christmas this year!
    Sounds like a happy home where Christmas preparations are underway -- who cares if everything isn't perfect as long as your home is filled with LOVE -- and it sounds like it is!
    Merry Christmas sweet friend!

  5. PS - Thanks for the images -- I love them!

  6. Sounds so Christmasy around your house...even the laundry doesnt detract from my mental image - LOL. I think I'll put on some cinnamon and cloves to simmer..

  7. I wish I COULD stop by to enjoy all the delightful smells and happenings...I would even help with the laundry ;0)! I pray that you have a VERY Merry Christmas and that the Lord blesses you and yours richly throughout the coming year!

  8. Am taking your advise about slowing down and smelling the fur trees. And your lovely vintage images sure encourage me to do so.

  9. Dear Mrs. Birdie,

    Have you been sneaking into my house while I've been asleep? Because you described it perfectly. Next time you come please knock and I'll let you in the front door. I'd enjoy visiting with you.

    The house of Christmas joy

  10. What a generous, kind soul you are. Your images are delightful, thankyou for sharing the spirit of Christmas. Peace and joy to you and yours.

  11. Thank you so much. I am going to use your last picture in a New Year's greeting blog post on my blog. I'll give credit back to you. Thanks again!


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